And the Apostles said to Jesus, Lord increase our faith.  And the Lord said:
If you had faith like to a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this mulberry tree, Be thou
rooted up, and be thou transplanted into the sea: and it would obey you.

(Luke 17:5-6)


It is a gift, not a given.  How many times have I chastised myself (and others) for a lack of faith?  God alone bestows it, we can’t manufacture it, nor can we ever truly fake it.  Wrapped in thorns, this gift can be one of the most painful we will ever open, and yet its beauty transcends every earthly reward.  Pushing past fear, sometimes daring only to peek inside, I’ve often missed its splendor, shrouded in suffering…

And then I pray…

I pray for an increase in faith.  “Lord…give me a bigger, bolder faith!” But do I really mean that?  Am I willing to accept the consequences of spiritual growth, moving from complacency to a life poured out in complete sacrifice, and ultimately embrace the test that must come when one steps out in total trust?

That is a bigger, bolder faith.  Oh, Lord…that I might embrace the cross, conform my will, trusting that every transitory thing has nothing in it, that all that isn’t You shouldn’t be me, either.

I need a mustard seed, that grain of faith that will cast doubt and fear into the sea, as readily as a mulberry bush.  May God grant it and I so will it, that I might love and serve in a bigger, bolder way!
