From Lumen Gentleman:

Summorum Pontificum Contact Database

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The motu proprio has been released! The next step is to start putting the Catholic faithful who want to assist at the extraordinary form of the Holy Mass in touch with Catholic priests who want to say the extraordinary form of the Holy Mass.

An online form is available to facilitate the search of the faithful seeking access to the Traditional or Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. A database “search” feature will also provide contact information for specific parishes.

A tip of the hat (once again) to Rorate Caeli for this quote from Thomas Woods:

“For several decades, not only the Catholic left but also the ‘orthodox’ Catholic right condemned supporters of the 1962 Missal as disobedient, wicked, schismatic – you name it – because they believed that what was beautiful and venerable yesterday could not cease to be beautiful and venerable today. They likewise found it hard to believe that they were considered a little bit crazy, perhaps even in need of counseling, because they longed for the traditional Mass, the very thing they had been taught their whole lives to venerate.”

The entire text of Mr. Woods article may be obtained here.