
Catholic Family Vignettes

A collage of literary snapshots from the life of a large traditional Catholic family


July 2011

Waxing poetic…

A sling chair, a steno book and a waterfall…and the sixteen year old poet in me awakens.  The site itself is inspiring.  So much so, that a local reporter for the Columbus Dispatch decided to take a few photos after observing the antics of three water sprites:

The Wasson Siblings: Abigail, Rylee and taken by Taylor Glascock, Columbus Dispatch


Sun dappled pebbles grace its glinting shore,

And many waters flow into the one;

Silvered droplets spill with thunderous roar,

Quite mindless of the end as how begun.

A song it sings, a symphony of joys,

Shouting, laughing, gurgling with glee;

Where find you such celebratory noise?

Where else creation’s truth spoken so free?

For sure as bird does sing upon its bough,

As flower bloom and long stemmed grass does sway;

“It is good, said He; the Falls proclaim it now…

Oh, Beauty!  Found in mist and tumbling spray.


To a boy, aged eleven…

Feet dangling in icy cool water, pencil perched on paper…I watched you. I wanted to sketch the moment, to capture your grin…those dimples…the twinkling blue eyes and exuberance of youth.  But I’m no artist.   Words, as always, will be my sketch…a means to hold the moment:


When every rock is hailed a precious find…

When every hill, a mountain to be climbed…

When every myth inspires a valiant deed…

When every prayer’s as pure as ancient Creed…

When every thought a glimpse on earth of heaven…

Thank God for boyish wisdom, aged eleven.

Love, mom

The Waterfall…

Who knew?  Not I…

Nestled in the crooked arms of a stream swiftly flowing to the Scioto, tumbling over a rocky cliff and spilling with loud voice and great spray; just a few bare miles past soy and corn spread across the flatlands like a great green blanket…a waterfall.

A magically misty majestic waterfall…

It sings, serenading the weary with siren’s voice:  “Come.  Come and be refreshed.  Come…come and rest your body and soul…hear the Creator’s song!  I’ll sing it for you…stop…stay and listen awhile…”

Oh…the impossibility of such a place!  Rocky cliffs and dense emerald green…walls that beg the adventurous to climb “higher up and further in…”

Rainbowed droplets caressingly cool…and natural treasures abound!

A place of joy…of pensive contemplation and reflection.  Of wonderment…the rumble and roar…the sheer power of this tumbling cataract call us to sing our own song…

“Thank you, Father.  Thank you for this gift of beauty…so unexpected on a sultry summer day.  It is good…

…it is very, very good.


Good, ol’ fashioned summer fun…

It was their special day…

And a special day should always be marked in a special way:

When nearly 80 Catholic men, women and children show up for home-styled BBQ and picnic…expect a lot of good, ol’ fashioned summer fun!

The party  began at 3:00 p.m. and continued until 1:00 a.m…

Lots of conversation…

Lots of music…

Lots of babies…

A wagon ride down the path to the woods…

Berry picking…

All to celebrate the beauty of our Faith…and these two precious children, newly welcomed to our Lord’s Table…

The best times are those times we share with family and friends.  Faith will always be the tie that truly binds…


Together…a First Holy Communion Pictorial

They’ve known each other since they were babies…our families are tied together by faith and love.

Mommy and baby Rylee Elizabeth
Daddy and Rylee's best friend...Maria Perpetua

Both shy and retiring, often fading into the background, overshadowed by older and bolder siblings.

Two very young friends...


Together, as usual...

Together they knew no bounds!  We often marveled at the incredible amount of mischief these two would get into…but only when together.  We cleaned up yards and yards of toilet paper, wound round and round the house and staircase.  Scrubbed toothpaste off walls and toilets.  Vacuumed up coffee grounds and tea leaves joyfully strewn about the kitchen…yes…they were quite the pair!  A diapered duo of destruction…

Partners in crime...our little mud monsters!

They learned to walk together.  To talk together, often conversing in a gibberish that only the two of them understood.  They played together…and argued occasionally, as little friends do.  But their love for one another always trumped any petty disagreements and both grew into positively charming and obedient little girls.

A gaggle of girl friends...
Trio...Maria, Constance and Rylee

And so it only seemed natural that these two, so closely bound for so many years, would approach the altar of the Lord together.  The distance of a few hundred miles posed a few difficulties, but with God, all things are possible!  And so we scheduled Rylee and Maria’s First Holy Communion for July 3rd, a holiday weekend that allowed for travel time and celebration.

Our girls were nervous.  Both armed with an age appropriate understanding of this solemn occasion, they were so glad to have one another to lean upon…

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…these beautiful images tell a lovely story:

Anxious...soon, Maria...soon!
Rylee looks serene...
...her tightly clasped hands tell another story!
The Mass begins...
It's time...the acolytes light their candles
They're so excited...
Escorted by the young men who've know them the longest...
Rylee and Maria...flanked by three Wasson brothers...
Approaching the Holy of Holies...
Kneeling in adoration...and anticipation
Ego te absolvo...
Ecce Agnus Dei...
Smiles of pure joy...
Praying for family and friends...
Prayers of thanksgiving...
Mother Mary, pray for these children!
The obligatory altar boy shot: Michael, Joseph, Zachary, Maximilian, Maria and Rylee
Ready for the traditional scapular investiture...
Receive this blessed Scapular...
...and beseech the Blessed Virgin that through Her merits... may wear it without stain.
May it defend you against all adversity and accompany you to eternal life. Amen.
Happy Godparents and a very happy best friend!

Such a beautiful day…

Such a great gift…

Such a merciful and generous God!


P.S.:  BBQ celebration post to follow…what an incredible day!

Prayers, please…

***UPDATE:  She’s feeling ever so much better now!  Thank you for your prayers…she’s pretty much back to her old self and is hopeful that she’ll be able to attend this evening’s Red, White and Boom celebration…***

…for my sweet 8 year old Rylee Elizabeth, who will make her First Holy Communion along with her best friend, Maria Perpetua, on July 3rd.  Rylee is quite ill today…migraine, nausea and no appetite.  It could be that she stayed up much to late last night because the Grands are here.  It could be that she is simply over-awed by the impending reception of the Blessed Sacrament and the party to follow…and of course we know that Satan will do anything to throw a monkey wrench into such a holy event.  The very same thing happened to her sister, Abigail, two days before her First Holy Communion.

Your prayers for both Rylee and Maria are greatly appreciated.  Two days ago, my girl tried on her dress and veil for the first time…her smile is beyond telling.  “I feel so beautiful!”  she said, when she gazed into the mirror.  Oh, if only she felt better today…may God grant it and soon!


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