A big “thank you” to a dear reader who found a great big “typo” in the May Calendar pages.  The problem has been corrected, and the pages replaced.  Be sure to discard past copies of those two pages and reprint.  Once again…this is how you help keep this resource up to date and accurate!  Thanks again…

I’ve received so much positive feedback from users of the Embracing Tradition Planner.  There have been literally thousands of hits and downloads on my Scribd account and I’m so thrilled to be able to offer this resource for Catholic moms…particularly those who are using the Traditional Church calendar according to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.  I’ve made a few updates to the files…I’ve included an instruction page for assembly, blank templates for those who want make their own (especially useful for those following the newer Church calendar!) and have added pages for September, October, November and December of 2010.  Thanks to the observant mom who reminded me to update those pages…the Planner is woefully incomplete without them!

Please let me know if you find any errors or if I’ve left anything out.  If there’s something you’d like to see in this planner, feel free to let me know.  I don’t have an editor and rely on all the “free” advice I can get…that’s how I manage to keep the Planner “free…”  As long as I don’t have to spend a disproportionate amount of time updating and looking for errors, it makes updating it that much easier.  Thanks so much for your support…
